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Pre-release BOK

Geplaatst: wo feb 02, 2005 10:43 am
door Yodaboy
Hoe ging de pre-release bij iedereen?

Ik had 3 gewonnen, 2 verloren, wat mij 10e maakte van de 23. (nr.7 had ook al 9 punten maar ik had de hoogste weerstand :twisted: ).

Geplaatst: wo feb 02, 2005 4:00 pm
door Baron Sengir
Ik heb een heel verslag in het engels getyped op het Wizards board...dat zal ik wel even copy-pasten.

Today was the day for me. An in-store prerelease. After the usual chatting with the opponents (we were with 12 people, of which 1 forgot it was today and got called out of bed after I believe 15 minutes or so :D) we got the show on the road.

First thing opened was the tournament pack, since I'd like to save the "surprises" (knew all cards already) for last. Could easily spot the foil Cloudcrest Lake and so I flipped through every card:

Long-Forgotten Gohei

Yay for Spirits! Now let's see...

Bloodthirsty Ogre
Nezumi Graverobber
Gutwretcher Oni
Midnight Covenant
Waking Nightmare
Cruel Deceiver
Pull Under
Gibbering Kami
Soulless Revival

Great (un)commons with Pull, Befoul, Revival and Discard + Graverobber...Woot!

Meloku, the Clouded Mirror (:D)
Swirl the Mists (:ahem:)
Wandering Ones
Hisoka's Defiance
Mystic Restraint
Sift Through Sands
Peer Through Depts

Meloku...and that's it...Although the Defiance might be worth spashing too.

Sachi, Daughter of Seshiro
Honden of Life's Web
kashi-Tribe Warriors
Joyous Respite
Venerable Kumo
Kodama's Reach
Moss Kami
Burr Grafter
Sakura-Tribe Elder

Last 4 commons are top-notch, but I had to wait for Betrayers to see if I played green...

Foil Cloudcrest Lake
Tranquil Garden

Strange Inversion
Pain Kami
Yamabushi's Storm
Akki Avalanchers
Sokenzan Bruiser
Desperate Ritual
Unnatural Speed

Meh...Pain Kami, Wielder and Bruizer may be ok, but I need a lot Betrayer red to make up.

Kitsune Healer
Kami of the Painted Road
Kitsune Diviner
Terahi's Cry
Kitsune Riftwalker

Healer/Kami/Diviner are pretty good I'd say...Cleanfall might be usable and it would be I noticed later, because my brother at the opposite side opened 2 Honden he played and next to me even 3 (!).

Happy with Meloku and waiting for a lot of blue goodies, I jumped at the Betrayers boosters:


Go Ninja! :P

Callow Jushi
2x Minamo's Meddling
Ribbons of Reikai
Shimmering Glasskite
Ninja of the Deep Hours

Not as much as I hoped, but Meloku/Glasskite and ninja are good splashes...[/understatement]

Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker (:D)
3 Tragedies
Crawling Filth
Blessing of Leeches
Okiba-Gang Shinobi
Stir the Grave
Psychic Spear
Takenuma Bleeder

Lots of goodies...In my head, I already formed a G/B/U deck when I opened Shirei.

Iwamori of the Open Fist (:D)
Petalmane Baku
Harbringer of Spring
2x Uproot
Gnarled Mass
3x Child of Thorns

Wow...just wow...after 5/5 trampler and 2/2 pump in CHK I get another 5/5 Trampler and 3 1/1 pumpers!

Ashen Monstrosity
Ogre Recluse
Torrent of Stone
Frost Ogre
2x Akki Blizzard-Herder
Shinka Gatekeeper
Crack the Earth

Not the power boost I hoped for unfortunately.

Patron of the Kitsune (:D)
Kitsune Palliator
Empty-Shrine Kannushi
Terashi's Verdict
Terashi's Grasp
Heart of Light
Hundred-Talon Strike
Moonlit Strider
Silverstorm Samurai
Kami of Tatterd Shoji

Almost all playable, so I got really tied in 4 colors...White with the more defensive Patron, Palliator, Healer, Heart of Light. Green with the Aggro, Blue with Meloku, and Black with a lot of different things.
My eventual deck turned out like this:
Land: ( 18 )
8x Swamp
7x Forest
3x Island

Ninja of the Deep Hours
Shimmering Glasskite
2x Child of Thorns
Gnarled Mass
Sakura-Tribe Elder
Burr Grafter
Moss Kami
Takenuma Bleeder
Gibbering Kami
Gutwretcher Oni
Nezumi Graverobber

Other Spells:
Soulless Revival
Psychic Spear
Stir the Grave
Pull Under
Honden (G)
Kodama's Reach

Sideboard (The noteable ones)
Venerable Kumo (flyers)
Hisoka's Defiance (Spirit/Arcane)
Cruel Deceiver (More fatties then me)
Child of Thorns (I had too much cards :P)
Blessing of Leeches (")
8x Plains
1x Cloudcrest Lake
1x Tranquil Garden
Moonlit Strider
Terahi's Grasp
Terahi's Verdict
100-Talon Strike
Heart of Light
Empty-Shrine Kannushi
Kitsune Palliator
Kitsune Diviner
Kitsune Healer
Patron of the Kitsune
Kami of the Painted Road

Round 1: R/G/W
My brother with his 2 Heartless Hidetsugu. I don't know the full details anymore, but a Meloku with 15 Land on table can't be stopped by a White Honden. And game 2 (SB -Black, + White) Meloku + patron Kitsune was fun. 2-0

Round 2: had 2 decks, Green/White Snakes and Black/Red.
Game 1 he used his snakes, but that was no problem for my Iwamori + Moss Kami + 5/4 Demon. 1-0

Game 2 he used Black/Red I got a 2nd turn Tribe-Elder and a 4-th turn Shirei, so after 6 more turns I had all my land on the table. Then the 2 Childs made my Iwamori 7/7 every turn. Too bad I didn't get Meloku though...2-0

Round 3: Had 2 decks too. Black/Red and White Green (again)
The eventual #1. He had (what I remembered) Kumano, Rend Flesh, Spirit, Befoul, Eradicate, 3 Torrent of Stones, Glacial Ray, Pain Kami and too much black/red Soulshift creatures and Arcane Spells...
Game 1 I got flooded. So he could beat me with his Pain Kami and a lot of spliced Glacial Ray's later I was dead. 0-1

Game 2 he used the same deck, because he was afraid I might win from his other. I SB/d an extra Child of Thorns instead of a NotDH. I got a great start and he drew Mountain/Black card for about 5 turns. Then he was dead.1-1

Game 3 he still used the same deck :(. We both get a slow start, but turn 3 Pain Kami followed by a turn 4 Akki Lavarunner got the mood swinging (positive, we burst out in laughing after the 4 turns that followed)
I play 2 Childs. He burns 1 with First Volley and attacks with Pain, which get blocked and killed by my other Child (I sacced the first), so his Akki was the only creature. I play another Child and a Burr Grafter. He plays a Ronin Houndmaster and gets his Pain Kami Back with Stir the Gravehe he attacks with Houndmaster, which gets killed by my Grafter (get a Child back from Soulshift, 1 Child vs Pain Kami + Akki). I play my Child again and he burns it with a Torrent of Stone in his turn, so I sac again, he attacks with Pain Kami again and I block it again. Lastly, I played Meloku. His turn Rend Flesh against Meloku, response I make 3 tokens, and then he played the 2/2 for 3RR that does 1 damage to each creature the opponent controls when he attacks, gives it haste and he finally flipped his Akki. After that it was quickly done. 1-2 :(

Round 4. G/R: stompy (?)
Game 1 A first turn Green Genju bode Ill...and it sure did...0-1

Game 2: He was about to finish me with a flipped Orochi Eggwatcher when I Topdecked a Pull Under. And if I'm at 3 after his next attack I get Meloku with which I could swaing the game around. 1-1

Game 3: Mana flooded...only creature that I saw was a Meloku, but even he can't stop 5+ Creatures from pounding eventually just run out of land. Especially when his snake tokens get +2/+2 from Seshiro... 1-2

So a 2-2 record and a 5th place + Budoka Pupil. Damnit...I wanted Ink-Eyes, stupid WotC :P My brother went 3-1 eventually, so I'm glad I at least won from him, so I wouldn't hear him the rest of the day "My deck is better then yours"

Re: Pre-release BOK

Geplaatst: wo feb 02, 2005 10:14 pm
door David
Yodaboy schreef:Hoe ging de pre-release bij iedereen?

Ik had 3 gewonnen, 2 verloren, wat mij 10e maakte van de 23. (nr.7 had ook al 9 punten maar ik had de hoogste weerstand :twisted: ).
Als jij de hoogste weerstand had zou jij toch 7de moeten zijn? Hoe hoger je weerstand hoe beter.
Ik heb trouwens geen PR gespeeld.

Re: Pre-release BOK

Geplaatst: do feb 03, 2005 10:50 am
door Yodaboy
David schreef:Als jij de hoogste weerstand had zou jij toch 7de moeten zijn? Hoe hoger je weerstand hoe beter. Ik heb trouwens geen PR gespeeld.
Ik was degene die het meest met 2-1 had gewonnen, en vaakst met 0-2 had verloren. Die weerstand heb ik. :)

(ik speelde btw B/G, en het liep allemaal wel lekker. Behalve dan die ene keer dat ik een Iwamori speelde en meteen een Konda, Lord of Eiganjo tegenover me kreeg. :twisted: )

Re: Pre-release BOK

Geplaatst: do feb 03, 2005 7:17 pm
door Luitzen
David schreef:
Yodaboy schreef:Hoe ging de pre-release bij iedereen?

Ik had 3 gewonnen, 2 verloren, wat mij 10e maakte van de 23. (nr.7 had ook al 9 punten maar ik had de hoogste weerstand :twisted: ).
Als jij de hoogste weerstand had zou jij toch 7de moeten zijn? Hoe hoger je weerstand hoe beter.
Ik heb trouwens geen PR gespeeld.
Yodaboy schreef:
Ik was degene die het meest met 2-1 had gewonnen, en vaakst met 0-2 had verloren. Die weerstand heb ik.

(ik speelde btw B/G, en het liep allemaal wel lekker. Behalve dan die ene keer dat ik een Iwamori speelde en meteen een Konda, Lord of Eiganjo tegenover me kreeg. )


Re: Pre-release BOK

Geplaatst: do feb 03, 2005 10:05 pm
door Baron Sengir
Yodaboy schreef:
David schreef:Als jij de hoogste weerstand had zou jij toch 7de moeten zijn? Hoe hoger je weerstand hoe beter. Ik heb trouwens geen PR gespeeld.
Ik was degene die het meest met 2-1 had gewonnen, en vaakst met 0-2 had verloren. Die weerstand heb ik. :)

(ik speelde btw B/G, en het liep allemaal wel lekker. Behalve dan die ene keer dat ik een Iwamori speelde en meteen een Konda, Lord of Eiganjo tegenover me kreeg. :twisted: )
Dat kan veel leuker...
Gister speelde ik alvast een BOK deck tegen een vriend. Ik drop een Iwamori, dropt hij er ook een :P
Hij vond het wel wat minder leuk toen ik daarna een Meloku dropte :evil: